Examples for "sports educator"
Examples for "sports educator"
1The coach was Vilhjálmur, Elías's sports teacher.
2A sports teacher from Co Tipperary has gone on trial at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court accused of sexually assaulting four primary school girls.
3'You sound like my sports teacher at high school.'
4'Vilhjálmur calls them that, the sports teacher.
5Sports teacher Tash has followed the Bachelor 2019 uniform, choosing a dress with a split -but she's gone with a below the knee option.
1Williams remained involved in sport and worked for many years as a physical education teacher.
2I used to be a physical education teacher because I loved communicating with young people, he said.
3He says there were not only social but professional challenges as well: D'Appolonia is a physical education teacher.
4Here's as good a time as any for a follow-up from the Bettystown-based biology and physical education teacher.
5Kari is getting married during winter break to Brian, a physical education teacher at one of our elementary schools.
1I'm now running the year 10 netball group alongside a PE teacher.
2Then we had Fran Ryder, who was a highly qualified PE teacher.
3Matt Bebbington is a PE teacher at Wilmslow High School in Cheshire.
4A keen gymnast and hockey player, Sarah hoped to become a PE teacher.
5As a PE teacher you're dealing with a Marmite subject.
1There is the problem of teaching the physical -education instructors how to fish, so that they may teach the pupils.
1He was recently suspended from school for insulting his gym teacher.
2Seems that most everything your high school gym teacher told you is wrong.
3Tommy could sense his gym teacher bristling through all of this.
4Draznowsky didn't tell you that? Mr. Draznowsky was their gym teacher.
5Mr. Muse, the gym teacher, turns his back, pretending not to see anything.
1Physical educators experience several occupational constraints and a high risk of physical injury associated with a high attrition rate.
2Our investigation aimed at identifying the principal career reorientation factors among physical educators and reasons for their career changes.
Translations for physical educator